Legal disclaimer

General information

Portal owner CARNES MONFORT S.L.
Address: Calle Mayor, 4 • 22549 Vencillón (Huesca) Spain
Tel. No.: +34 974 240 800
Email address:
TIN: B22266886
Registry entry details: Huesca Trade Registry, Volume 487, Book, 312, Page 220, 8th Section, Sheet HU-6720, 1st Inscription
All rights reserved.

Portal access & use: terms & conditions

The User engages to use the portal and the services therein in accordance with the law, this legal disclaimer and the specific conditions of certain services, and the generally accepted morality, good practices and public order. This website is available to you on condition that you accept all terms, conditions and communications in this legal disclaimer. By using this website, you are accepting these conditions.

Restrictions on use

You are not permitted to modify, copy, distribute, transfer, disclose, use, reproduce, publish, license, cede, sell or create work derived from the information, software, products or services which may be obtained from this website. You may not use this website for illegal activities or for purposes not authorised under the present terms, conditions and communications.
No liability is accepted for any use made by minors of this website should the content they access offend their sensibilities. Full responsibility for deciding which content or services minors may access lies with the adults responsible for them. There are mechanisms (particularly computer programs that filter or block content) which allow the available content to be restricted. These are very useful to control and restrict the materials to which minors may have access.

Intellectual property rights (copyright)

The User recognises and accepts that all rights over the content of this website belong to CARNES MONFORT S.L., and that they may not pursue any modifications, adaptations, public communications, distribution, sale, rent or other intellectual property rights without consent from CARNES MONFORT S.L.
Likewise, CARNES MONFORT S.L., owns the industrial property rights arising from the elements comprising its website or, otherwise, has the corresponding authorisation for their use.
CARNES MONFORT S.L., accepts no liability for any possible transgressions that users of this portal may commit in relation to this issue.

Website updates & modifications

CARNES MONFORT S.L., reserves the right to update, modify or delete information from this website and its configuration without prior warning. Equally, the company may discontinue the site in full or in part and modify the structure or content therein without prior warning.If you have any questions or issues related to this website, please contact CARNES MONFORT S.L., at the following address:
